California AB 9 "Seth’s Law” is a relatively new law (July 1, 2012.) that somewhat strengthens state anti-bullying laws to “help protect all California public school students.”
This writer feels as a public school counselor that AB 9 doesn’t do nearly enough and has a glaring flaw that renders it effectively useless.
Seth’s Law is named after a 13-year-old California student who tragically took his own life in 2010 after years of anti-gay bullying that his school failed to address. The latter is an overwhelmingly common theme in student suicides caused by the destructive atmosphere of peer bullying.
Seth’s Law requires public schools in California to update their anti-bullying policies and programs, further it’s authors state, it focuses on protecting students who are bullied based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity/gender expression, as well as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, disability and religion.
California law says that all public school students should have equal rights and opportunities. Free of hindrance towards the learning process. However, many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning students report that they experience significant bullying in California schools under previous statute and loosely organized attempts to prevent this. Further, teachers, administrators, and other staff often fail to address the bullying when they see it.
AT A GLANCE: The California State anti-bullying law requires school districts to:
Adopt a strong anti-bullying policy that specifically spells out prohibited bases for bullying, including sexual orientation and gender identity/gender expression.
Adopt a specific process for receiving and investigating complaints of bullying, including a requirement that school personnel intervene if they witness bullying.
Publicize the anti-bullying policy and complaint process, including posting the policy in all schools and offices.
Post on the district website materials to support victims of bullying.
School Personnel Must Intervene
Seth’s Law specifically contains the following requirement: “If school personnel witness an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, he or she shall take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so.” (Education Code Section 234.1(b)(1)) (See definition of "Intervene" below)
234, 234.1, 234.2, 234.3 AND 234.5
Each School District is Required to Adopt a Policy
that prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying that applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school. Under Seth’s Law, the policy must specifically pro-hibit discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on these actual or perceived characteristics: disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. Discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying directed at someone associated with a person or group with one or more of the listed actual or perceived characteristics is also prohibited. (Education Code Section 234.1(a))
Anti-Bullying Complaint Process
School districts must adopt a process for receiving and investigating complaints of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. The process must include a timeline to investigate and resolve complaints and an appeals process for the complainant. All complaints are to remain confidential, as appropriate, and schools are required to protect complainants from retaliation. (Education Code Section 234.1(b) & (f))
Publication of Anti-Bullying Policy and Complaint Process
School districts must publicize their anti-bullying policy and complaint process, including information about how to file a complaint, to students, parents, and the general public. The anti-bullying policy must be posted in all schools and offices, including staff lounges and student government meeting rooms. The anti-bullying policy and any complaint process forms must be translated, as appropriate. (Education Code Section 234.1(c) & (d))
Posting of Bullying Resources
School districts are required to post and annually update support resources to youth who have been subjected to school-based discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying and their families on their websites. A list of these resources must also be provided to each school within the district. (Education Code Section 234.5)
From the California Department of Education:
Sample Action Plan for Local Educational Agencies
- Policy Revision
Action Steps: - Review current harassment/discrimination policy
- Add "intimidation and bullying based on the actual or perceived characteristics" to harassment/discrimination policy
- Add "intimidation and bullying" to complaint process
- Add language for staff taking immediate actions when safe to do so
- Submit policy for board adoption
- Timeline for Investigation
Action Steps: - Work with school sites to identify a realistic timeline for investigation
- Develop check-list for proper investigations
- Provide language on the number of days and process to investigate a complaint to include in policy
- Appeals Process
Action Steps: - Revise current appeals process to include Assembly Bill 9 requirements
- Develop or revise current forms
- Add district staff contact for appeals of findings
- Translate All Forms
Action Steps: - Submit revised forms for translation
- Identify high need languages
- Translate all documents
- Maintain records for costs to translate
- Publicize Policy
Action Steps: - Revise student handbooks to comply with AB 9
- Revise employee handbooks to comply with AB 9
- Place revised harassment policy, reporting process, complaint process, and appeals process on school site and district Web sites
- Post the Policy
Action Steps: - Identify all rooms where policy must be posted
- Duplicate policy and laminate
- Post policy in offices, staff lounges, pupil government rooms, and other locations as appropriate
- Maintain Documentation of Complaints and Resolution
Action Steps: - Electronic:
- Develop data-base with fields
- Identify staff to use the electronic form
- Provide training Whoops no money or time for lay teachers. We fired the counselors... Hmmm.
- Paper:
. Individual school sites must store and secure paperwork
- Copy must be sent to the district office lead
- Files should be maintained for a two-year period
- Ensure Complainants are Protected from Retaliation
Action Steps: - Discussion with students about retaliation and witness intimidation will be provided during behavior assemblies
- Student handbooks to be revised with statements and consequences for retaliation and witness intimidation
- Inform complainants of ways to report retaliation or intimidation
- Follow-up contact with complainants and parents
- Complainants’ Identities are Confidential as Appropriate
Action Steps: - Adhere to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Investigate without using names of targets or reporters if possible
- Attempt to witness the act (documenting time, location, and people involved)
As perfectly illustrated in the state department of education’s sample action plan above. There are no tools to make the “action steps” about action towards change. There is absolutely no behavioral consequences positive or otherwise, offered to educators by which to make the elaborate design and it’s noble end effective towards protecting bullied kids or changing the behavior of those students prone to bullying. Nothing, Nada, a motor with a forward direction but no source of fuel.
Further, if AB 9 came with a plethora of effective and workable behavioral solutions, there is no offering of support for the inevitable fallout from parents who sadly enable bullying behavior in their children. In fact, school administrators are pushed more now than ever before to concede to the protests and threats of litigation from many of these parents, despite the good intentions behind California AB 9.
[in-ter-veen]verb (used without object), in·ter·vened, in·ter·ven·ing.
1. to come between disputing people, groups, etc.; intercede; mediate.
2. to occur or be between two things.
3. to occur or happen between other events or periods: Nothing important intervened between the meetings.
4. (of things) to occur incidentally so as to modify or hinder: We enjoyed the picnic until a thunderstorm intervened.
5. to interfere with force or a threat of force: to intervene in the affairs of another country.
6. Law. to interpose and become a party to a suit pending between other parties.
7. Education. to risk, life, limb, property and even retirement on a half-thought out flight of political fancy. Deviate statute to appease the well intended authors and victims of the California school bullying problem; not broached herein.
7. Education. to risk, life, limb, property and even retirement on a half-thought out flight of political fancy. Deviate statute to appease the well intended authors and victims of the California school bullying problem; not broached herein.
Riverside Judge Timothy Freer Remains Presiding over the Violation of Civil Rights Case brought about by a Questionable Bench Warrant Issued by Judge Freer Himself.
published in Temekunews,com
Staff on Mar 16, 2013
have been defendants in the past, Involving Civil Rights. Today however Victims
allege that Timothy Freer had signed a search warrant which was supposed to be
served by a Riverside County Official ‘Constable’ (see warrant Below) but
somehow it was served in part or in whole by Civilians (WalMart Loss Prevention)
with the assistance of other outside agencies ( Border Patrol.)
Despite possible criticism for his controversial warrant, the victims allege, that Judge Timothy Freer continues to place himself over hearings of the victims whose home was trashed by WalMart Inc. Under the authority of that same warrant. The Victims allege that Freer knew there rights were violated, and an illegal search performed. And as more victims come forward. more facts come to light.
Officer testified in Court and in front of Judge Timothy Freer ” WE DIDN’T SEIZE IT “
indicating himself , other officers and the supposed seizure of Marijuana found at the home providing probable cause to search the whole house. However, He didn't speak for the Civilians there that evening, part of the Team from Wal-Mart Loss Prevention (whom had taken the lead positions in searching the victim's home. The Senior Deputy had undergone illegal drug handling case handling courses via the department"s training, and testified under oath!
He described the Marijuana found from the witness stand. More indepth and in detail than he did in
the police reports! Yet
the Marijuana and their cause to search VANISHES! Victims
continue to Allege they were ‘ROBBED AT GUN POINT’ and the whole ordeal was
premeditated… Victims acert the Deputies used the warrant as a tool to break the law! Victims were
held down and Bound, while an awaiting vehicle carrying civilians waited for the signal from Officers to
Storm the Home..
The Victims Claim They Owned a Home Based Laptop Business which carried Cash and plenty of Laptops for Sale. All were confiscated.
According to the Temekunews story, these
Deputies should have never been issued a warrant when in fact the same Team of
officers were under investigation facing a similar Federal Complaint
prior to this search! Family
alleges that the DA Paul Zellerbach handled the raid for his own puposes and
is intentionally stalling for time to allow limitations to run out on these
Deputies and Civilian Loss Prevention Agents. Victims intend to have ALL
past search warrants involving this Team
of Deputies Reviewed… Take
a look at the warrant. Where does it state ‘Civilians may ASSIST? This makes a strong argument that this Team of Deputies was acting under the command of a rich and powerful corporate entity. It appears they had done this before.
The warrant was not RECYCLABLE?
Victims had no way to protect their valuables as the main victim and his child were
held down and Bound while Wal-Mart’s civilian team stormed through the home.
should also be noted that one of the Civilians has an extensive prior history of arrests... an
investigation has been started.
Victim alleges in a Complaint filed with the Court that evidence was planted by
either the Sheriff’s S.E.T (Special Enforcement Team ) and/or the the Wal-Mart
civilians whom were there in order to create cause and destroy the credibility of the victims. What better way than to plant drugs during the chaos of a gang-style home invasion?
An Deputy told the family that the original warrant was good for 30 days…as that Officer again along with his Team Conducted additional searches on two separate occasions many days later and inside the home. The Family believed the Deputy and let him return because they had never been involved in a search warrant before, and didn’t know the law and or their rights. The family found out months later that those Deputies had no right to recycle an old search warrant! In as much their return may constitute breaking and entering. Including the forced entry the family mentioned in their complaint. ( note: the Victims can’t speak on the details of the two additional searches since a crime has been alleged
An Deputy told the family that the original warrant was good for 30 days…as that Officer again along with his Team Conducted additional searches on two separate occasions many days later and inside the home. The Family believed the Deputy and let him return because they had never been involved in a search warrant before, and didn’t know the law and or their rights. The family found out months later that those Deputies had no right to recycle an old search warrant! In as much their return may constitute breaking and entering. Including the forced entry the family mentioned in their complaint. ( note: the Victims can’t speak on the details of the two additional searches since a crime has been alleged
Family does insist however that this Team of Deputies came back to their home
looking for more Cash, jewelry and more, As a Very Expensive watch was
reported Stolen which was Investigated by a SGT VANCE STOLTE, who was
present, part of and in charge of the Sheriff’s Team. See the results of the
investigation at the bottom. ( Note: other facts and possible charges may exist
but cannot be disclosed at this time.)
read more on this story go to
also allege: That Judge Timothy Freer (same Judge whom signed the search
warrant) again presided in a family court rooms 102, which again Involved the
actions of Deputy Michael Hamilton, Sgt Vance Stolte and the Victims. The
Victims continue to allege that Judge Timothy Freer deliberately placed himself
over court hearings involving the search warrant in which he signed, and other
for the main victims of the gang style raid, their child was taken away for several months.
At the DA’s and Judge Freer’s demands:
Mother of the child takes a Drug screen and passes( No signs of drug use in her
Judge Timothy Freer orders her to take another one, this time she fails?
the second drug test. Please take a look at the name at the very top of the
form and the names at the bottom. The names are clearly different. Most
importantly look and follow the arrow to the checkbox! This document
was checked “Observed” but who was observed and who’s urine sample is it really?
The person named on the top or the person on the bottom?
The full names of those involved
were blocked out do to privacy concerns, We do have copies of material evidence including video footage
of other drug screening documents and more documents still. At this point it appears
there will be a long list of allegations
naming Deputy Hamilton, Sgt Vance Stolte, Riverside County Sheriff’s Department
and more .
The parents allege: Their Child was
always covered under their (the Parents) health insurance! However while in the
care and custody of CPS, their child was
not covered, and an unknown illness occurred forcing the temporary parents to
rush the Child to urgent care. The child was turned away from the urgent care facility
because the CPS temporary parents did not have health Insurance for the child.
When a complaint was made to Judge
Freer, the Victims were told that, ‘if an emergency ever really came up, that
CPS would go before a Judge and have him sign for the Emergency Authorization!’
Parents state ” How long could that take? The Victims wondered. What if there’s
another acute emergency? What if an under informed judge gets that late-night
call and denies permission because of the courts acute funding problems? What
if the call came to Judge Timothy Freer who presided at the parents hearing?
According to the victims, Judge Timothy Freer made a previous though
strange comment to the parents during a hearing. That, ” They were never going
to make it” Which left the parents shocked and upset,
It should also be noted that second
Craigslist printed threat to the victims ended with this comment, “We don’t give
a fuck about your kid.”