This is COURAGE - YOU NEED TO KNOW WHY. As Educators We are Loosing the Promise of Public Education at the Hands of Very Similar Types of Criminals! Its Happening All over the State.
Please understand this is a 70+ year-old former U.S. Prosecutor! This man, Dr. Richard I. Fine is my hero and model for my fights to come with Moreno Valley USD which also is one of the most litigated school districts of it's size in the inland empire. For over 20 years the corruption spearheaded by the personalities of the COWARDS and BULLY BOYS RUNNING MVUSD'S HUMAN RESOURCES has rotted the structure of our district. One of the former HR bully boys participated in felony misuse and theft of public funds as well as an act of agrregious criminal Nepotism as defined in California State Educ. Code. Another, HR thug, a convicted felon used an unregistered pistol firing at a car fleeing his house with his own daughter and her girlfriend inside the car. He was and is still employed and partially running a MVUSD middle school dealing with children daily, in spite his extraordinarily explosive temper. The current HR coward is mentioned as helping to cover up directly or indirectly the theft of or miss use of student funds that totals in the multiple $100,000s in cash EVERY YEAR.
The man most responsible for this system wide cover-up, a man who lied more than once to me when I was looking for help with the apparent criminal activity I stumbled upon, was fired early this year then allowed to stay on with a double demotion to assistant principal. The Board was afraid that out and out firing would tempt him to tell all.
Due to years of cover up i.e. elimination of positions with the power of oversight by some of the Superintendents and their assistants, including Bob Crank who was one of the key players, most area taxpayers are paying twice over for there child's education without knowing and some of that money is stolen in cash! Watch for the documentation and names to come. BUT lets not forget the School Board who hires these people, among which contains a documented CHILD MOLESTER (who as part of his duties regularly visits elementary schools unescorted) and a yet to be charged; a criminal who used the power of the office for... well, come back and see. Another is on the payroll of a local Developer and member of the shadowy Jewish "Gold Trust" and its silent charter. An organization and individual who's home is somewhere in Beverly Bills, CA. I have fired off a letter to the Jewish Defense League* asking point blank if they are associated...
The man most responsible for this system wide cover-up, a man who lied more than once to me when I was looking for help with the apparent criminal activity I stumbled upon, was fired early this year then allowed to stay on with a double demotion to assistant principal. The Board was afraid that out and out firing would tempt him to tell all.
Due to years of cover up i.e. elimination of positions with the power of oversight by some of the Superintendents and their assistants, including Bob Crank who was one of the key players, most area taxpayers are paying twice over for there child's education without knowing and some of that money is stolen in cash! Watch for the documentation and names to come. BUT lets not forget the School Board who hires these people, among which contains a documented CHILD MOLESTER (who as part of his duties regularly visits elementary schools unescorted) and a yet to be charged; a criminal who used the power of the office for... well, come back and see. Another is on the payroll of a local Developer and member of the shadowy Jewish "Gold Trust" and its silent charter. An organization and individual who's home is somewhere in Beverly Bills, CA. I have fired off a letter to the Jewish Defense League* asking point blank if they are associated...
Folks I lack the imagination to make this stuff up. I was as disbelieving as you probably are. Worse yet, there is more than eluded to herein.
I praetorian
*The Jewish Defense League or JDL is a Jewish nationalist and far-right organization whose stated goal is to "protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary".[1] While the group asserts that it "unequivocally condemns terrorism", and claims to have a "strict no-tolerance policy against terrorism and other felonious acts,"[2] it was described as "a right-wing terrorist group" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation[3] in 2001, and as a hate group involved in "anti-Arab terrorism" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[4] According to the FBI, the JDL has been involved in plotting terrorist attacks within the United States.[3] Outside the FBI, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)[2] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).[3 are the largest watch dog organizations monitoring hate groups in the U.S.