Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DIVISION 4. Instruction and Services 
PART 27. Pupils 
CHAPTER 6.5. Pupil Records 
ARTICLE 3. General Provisions 
§ 49068.5.  Missing children; Check of new and transferring students 

   Upon the initial enrollment of a pupil in a public or private elementary school; or whenever an
elementary school pupil (a) transfers from one school district to another,(b) transfers to an
elementary school within the same district, (c) transfers from one private elementary school to
another, (d) transfers from a private elementary school to a public elementary school, or (e)
transfers from a public elementary school to a private elementary school, the principal of the
school that the child enters or to which he or she transfers is urged to check to see if the child
resembles a child listed as missing by the bulletins provided by the Department of Justice
pursuant to Section 14201 of the Penal Code.
§ 49068.6.  Notification of missing child
   (a) Any law enforcement agency responsible for the investigation of a missing child shall
inform the school district, other local educational agency, or private school, in which the child is
enrolled, that the child is missing. The notice shall be in writing, shall include a photograph of
the child if a photograph is available, and shall be given within 10 days of the child's

   (b) Every school notified pursuant to this section shall place a notice that the child has been
reported missing on the front of each missing child's school record. For public schools this shall
be in addition to the posting requirements set forth in Section 38139.

   (c) Local law enforcement agencies may establish a process for informing local schools about
abducted children pursuant to this section.
   (d) If a school receives a record inquiry or request from any person or entity for a missing child
about whom the school has been notified pursuant to this section, the school shall immediately
notify the law enforcement authorities who informed the school of the missing child's status. EDUCATION CODE
DIVISION 3. Local Administration
PART 23. Supplemental Services
CHAPTER 4. Miscellaneous Provisions
ARTICLE 2. Use of School Property
§ 38139.  Posting of information regarding missing children
   (a) Public primary schools shall post at an appropriate area restricted to adults information
regarding missing children provided by the Department of Justice pursuant to Section 14208 of
the Penal Code.

   (b) Public secondary schools shall post at an appropriate area information regarding missing
children provided by the Department of Justice pursuant to Section 14208 of the Penal Code.
§ 49370.  Legislative intent to require school personnel to report missing children to law
enforcement agency
   The Legislature hereby declares its intent in enacting this article to require that specified
persons, including school teachers, school administrators, school aides, school playground
workers, and school bus drivers, report missing children to a law enforcement agency in a timely
manner, in order to provide those children a necessary level of protection when they are at
serious risk.
DIVISION 8. Custody of Children
PART 2. Right to Custody of Minor Child
CHAPTER 2. Matters To Be Considered in Granting Custody
§ 3048.  Contents of child custody or visitation order; Determination of risk of abduction
   (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in any proceeding to determine child custody
or visitation with a child, every custody or visitation order shall contain all of the following:

   (1) The basis for the court's exercise of jurisdiction.
   (2) The manner in which notice and opportunity to be heard were given.
   (3) A clear description of the custody and visitation rights of each party.
   (4) A provision stating that a violation of the order may subject the party in violation to civil or
criminal penalties, or both.

   (5) Identification of the country of habitual residence of the child or children.
     (b) (1) In cases in which the court becomes aware of facts which may indicate that there is a
risk of abduction of a child, the court shall, either on its own motion or at the request of a party,
determine whether measures are needed to prevent the abduction of the child by one parent. To
make that determination, the court shall consider the risk of abduction of the child, obstacles to
location, recovery, and return if the child is abducted, and potential harm to the child if he or she
is abducted. To determine whether there is a risk of abduction, the court shall consider the
following factors:

   (A) Whether a party has previously taken, enticed away, kept, withheld, or concealed a child in
violation of the right of custody or of visitation of a person.

   (B) Whether a party has previously threatened to take, entice away, keep, withhold, or conceal
a child in violation of the right of custody or of visitation of a person.

   (C) Whether a party lacks strong ties to this state.
   (D) Whether a party has strong familial, emotional, or cultural ties to another state or country,
including foreign citizenship. This factor shall be considered only if evidence exists in support of
another factor specified in this section.

   (E) Whether a party has no financial reason to stay in this state, including whether the party is
unemployed, is able to work anywhere, or is financially independent.

   (F) Whether a party has engaged in planning activities that would facilitate the removal of a
child from the state, including quitting a job, selling his or her primary residence, terminating a
lease, closing a bank account, liquidating other assets, hiding or destroying documents, applying
for a passport, applying to obtain a birth certificate or school or medical records, or purchasing
airplane or other travel tickets, with consideration given to whether a party is carrying out a
safety plan to flee from domestic violence.

   (G) Whether a party has a history of a lack of parental cooperation or child abuse, or there is
substantiated evidence that a party has perpetrated domestic violence.

   (H) Whether a party has a criminal record.
   (2) If the court makes a finding that there is a need for preventative measures after considering
the factors listed in paragraph (1), the court shall consider taking one or more of the following
measures to prevent the abduction of the child:

   (A) Ordering supervised visitation.
   (B) Requiring a parent to post a bond in an amount sufficient to serve as a financial deterrent to
abduction, the proceeds of which may be used to offset the cost of recovery of the child in the
event there is an abduction.

   (C) Restricting the right of the custodial or noncustodial parent to remove the child from the
county, the state, or the country.
     (D) Restricting the right of the custodial parent to relocate with the child, unless the custodial
parent provides advance notice to, and obtains the written agreement of, the noncustodial parent,
or obtains the approval of the court, before relocating with the child.

   (E) Requiring the surrender of passports and other travel documents.
   (F) Prohibiting a parent from applying for a new or replacement passport for the child.
   (G) Requiring a parent to notify a relevant foreign consulate or embassy of passport restrictions
and to provide the court with proof of that notification.

   (H) Requiring a party to register a California order in another state as a prerequisite to allowing
a child to travel to that state for visits, or to obtain an order from another country containing
terms identical to the custody and visitation order issued in the United States (recognizing that
these orders may be modified or enforced pursuant to the laws of the other country), as a
prerequisite to allowing a child to travel to that county for visits.

   (I) Obtaining assurances that a party will return from foreign visits by requiring the traveling
parent to provide the court or the other parent or guardian with any of the following:
   (i) The travel itinerary of the child.
   (ii) Copies of round trip airline tickets.
   (iii) A list of addresses and telephone numbers where the child can be reached at all times.
   (iv) An open airline ticket for the left-behind parent in case the child is not returned.
   (J) Including provisions in the custody order to facilitate use of the Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (Part 3 (commencing with Section 3400)) and the Hague
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (implemented pursuant to 42
U.S.C. Sec. 11601 et seq.), such as identifying California as the home state of the child or
otherwise defining the basis for the California court's exercise of jurisdiction under Part 3
(commencing with Section 3400), identifying the United States as the country of habitual
residence of the child pursuant to the Hague Convention, defining custody rights pursuant to the
Hague Convention, obtaining the express agreement of the parents that the United States is the
country of habitual residence of the child, or that California or the United States is the most
appropriate forum for addressing custody and visitation orders.

   (K) Authorizing the assistance of law enforcement.
   (3) If the court imposes any or all of the conditions listed in paragraph (2), those conditions
shall be specifically noted on the minute order of the court proceedings.

   (4) If the court determines there is a risk of abduction that is sufficient to warrant the
application of one or more of the prevention measures authorized by this section, the court shall
inform the parties of the telephone number and address of the Child Abduction Unit in the office
of the district attorney in the county where the custody or visitation order is being entered.
     (c) The Judicial Council shall make the changes to its child custody order forms that are
necessary for the implementation of subdivision (b). This subdivision shall become operative on
July 1, 2003.

   (d) Nothing in this section affects the applicability of Section 278.7 of the Penal Code.
§ 3140.  Submission of child's birth certificate to court if parent has not appeared in proceeding;
Check to determine if child is missing person
   (a) Subject to subdivisions (b) and (c), before granting or modifying a custody order in a case
in which one or both parents of the child have not appeared either personally or by counsel, the
court shall require the parent, petitioner, or other party appearing in the case to submit a certified
copy of the child's birth certificate to the court. The court or its designee shall forward the
certified copy of the birth certificate to the local police or sheriff's department which shall check
with the National Crime Information Center Missing Person System to ascertain whether the
child has been reported missing or is the victim of an abduction and shall report the results of the
check to the court.

   (b) If the custody matter before the court also involves a petition for the dissolution of marriage
or the adjudication of paternity rights or duties, this section applies only to a case in which there
is no proof of personal service of the petition on the absent parent.

   (c) For good cause shown, the court may waive the requirements of this section.
DIVISION 10. Prevention of Domestic Violence
PART 3. Emergency Protective Orders
CHAPTER 2. Issuance and Effect of Emergency Protective Order
§ 6250.  Grounds for issuance
   A judicial officer may issue an ex parte emergency protective order where a law enforcement
officer asserts reasonable grounds to believe any of the following:

   (a) That a person is in immediate and present danger of domestic violence, based on the
person's allegation of a recent incident of abuse or threat of abuse by the person against whom
the order is sought.

   (b) That a child is in immediate and present danger of abuse by a family or household member,
based on an allegation of a recent incident of abuse or threat of abuse by the family or household

   (c) That a child is in immediate and present danger of being abducted by a parent or relative,
based on a reasonable belief that a person has an intent to abduct the child or flee with the child
from the jurisdiction or based on an allegation of a recent threat to abduct the child or flee with
the child from the jurisdiction.
     (d) That an elder or dependent adult is in immediate and present danger of abuse as defined in
Section 15610.07 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, based on an allegation of a recent
incident of abuse or threat of abuse by the person against whom the order is sought, except that
no emergency protective order shall be issued based solely on an allegation of financial abuse .
§ 6250.5.  Issuance of ex parte emergency protective order for threat to campus safety
   A judicial officer may issue an ex parte emergency protective order to a peace officer defined
in subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 830.32 if the issuance of that order is consistent with an
existing memorandum of understanding between the college or school police department where
the peace officer is employed and the sheriff or police chief of the city in whose jurisdiction the
peace officer's college or school is located and the peace officer asserts reasonable grounds to
believe that there is a demonstrated threat to campus safety.
§ 6251.  Required findings
   An emergency protective order may be issued only if the judicial officer finds both of the

   (a) That reasonable grounds have been asserted to believe that an immediate and present
danger of domestic violence exists, that a child is in immediate and present danger of abuse or
abduction, or that an elder or dependent adult is in immediate and present danger of abuse as
defined in Section 15610.07 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.

   (b) That an emergency protective order is necessary to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of
domestic violence, child abuse, child abduction, or abuse of an elder or dependent adult.
DIVISION 17. Support Services
CHAPTER 1. Department of Child Support Services
ARTICLE 2. Organization
§ 17212.  Legislative intent; Disclosure of information and files
   (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to protect individual rights of privacy, and to facilitate and
enhance the effectiveness of the child and spousal support enforcement program, by ensuring the
confidentiality of support enforcement and child abduction records, and to thereby encourage the
full and frank disclosure of information relevant to all of the following:

   (1) The establishment or maintenance of parent and child relationships and support obligations.
   (2) The enforcement of the child support liability of absent parents.
   (3) The enforcement of spousal support liability of the spouse or former spouse to the extent
required by the state plan under Section 17604 and Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 4900)
of Part 5 of Division 9.
   (4) The location of absent parents.
   (5) The location of parents and children abducted, concealed, or detained by them.
   (b)(1) Except as provided in subdivision (c), all files, applications, papers, documents, and
records established or maintained by any public entity pursuant to the administration and
implementation of the child and spousal support enforcement program established pursuant to
Part D (commencing with Section 651) of Subchapter IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United
States Code and this division, shall be confidential, and shall not be open to examination or
released for disclosure for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the child
and spousal support enforcement program. No public entity shall disclose any file, application,
paper, document, or record, or the information contained therein, except as expressly authorized
by this section.

   (2) In no case shall information be released or the whereabouts of one party or the child
disclosed to another party, or to the attorney of any other party, if a protective order has been
issued by a court or administrative agency with respect to the party, a good cause claim under
Section 11477.04 of the Welfare and Institutions Code has been approved or is pending, or the
public agency responsible for establishing paternity or enforcing support has reason to believe
that the release of the information may result in physical or emotional harm to the party or the
child. When a local child support agency is prohibited from releasing information pursuant to
this subdivision, the information shall be omitted from any pleading or document to be submitted
to the court and this subdivision shall be cited in the pleading or other document as the authority
for the omission. The information shall be released only upon an order of the court pursuant to
paragraph (6) of subdivision (c).

   (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a proof of service filed by the local child
support agency shall not disclose the address where service of process was accomplished.
Instead, the local child support agency shall keep the address in its own records. The proof of
service shall specify that the address is on record at the local child support agency and that the
address may be released only upon an order from the court pursuant to paragraph (6) of
subdivision (c). The local child support agency shall, upon request by a party served, release to
that person the address where service was effected.

   (c) Disclosure of the information described in subdivision (b) is authorized as follows:
   (1) All files, applications, papers, documents, and records as described in subdivision (b) shall
be available and may be used by a public entity for all administrative, civil, or criminal
investigations, actions, proceedings, or prosecutions conducted in connection with the
administration of the child and spousal support enforcement program approved under Part D
(commencing with Section 651) of Subchapter IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States
Code and to the county welfare department responsible for administering a program operated
under a state plan pursuant to Part A, Subpart 1 or 2 of Part B, or Part E of Subchapter IV of
Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

   (2) A document requested by a person who wrote, prepared, or furnished the document may be
examined by or disclosed to that person or his or her designee.
     (3) The payment history of an obligor pursuant to a support order may be examined by or
released to the court, the obligor, or the person on whose behalf enforcement actions are being
taken or that person's designee.

   (4) Income and expense information of either parent may be released to the other parent for the
purpose of establishing or modifying a support order.
   (5) Public records subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5
(commencing with Section 6250) of Division 7 of the Government Code) may be released.

   (6) After a noticed motion and a finding by the court, in a case in which establishment or
enforcement actions are being taken, that release or disclosure to the obligor or obligee is
required by due process of law, the court may order a public entity that possesses an application,
paper, document, or record as described in subdivision (b) to make that item available to the
obligor or obligee for examination or copying, or to disclose to the obligor or obligee the
contents of that item. Article 9 (commencing with Section 1040) of Chapter 4 of Division 3 of
the Evidence Code shall not be applicable to proceedings under this part. At any hearing of a
motion filed pursuant to this section, the court shall inquire of the local child support agency and
the parties appearing at the hearing if there is reason to believe that release of the requested
information may result in physical or emotional harm to a party. If the court determines that
harm may occur, the court shall issue any protective orders or injunctive orders restricting the
use and disclosure of the information as are necessary to protect the individuals.

   (7) To the extent not prohibited by federal law or regulation, information indicating the
existence or imminent threat of a crime against a child, or location of a concealed, detained, or
abducted child or the location of the concealing, detaining, or abducting person, may be
disclosed to any district attorney, any appropriate law enforcement agency, or to any state or
county child protective agency, or may be used in any judicial proceedings to prosecute that
crime or to protect the child.

   (8) The social security number, most recent address, and the place of employment of the absent
parent may be released to an authorized person as defined in Section 653(c) of Title 42 of the
United States Code, only if the authorized person has filed a request for the information, and
only if the information has been provided to the California Parent Locator Service by the federal
Parent Locator Service pursuant to Section 653 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

   (d)(1) "Administration and implementation of the child and spousal support enforcement
program," as used in this division, means the carrying out of the state and local plans for
establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support obligations, enforcing spousal support
orders, and determining paternity pursuant to Part D (commencing with Section 651) of
Subchapter IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States Code and this article.

   (2) For purposes of this division, "obligor" means any person owing a duty of support.
   (3) As used in this division, "putative parent" shall refer to any person reasonably believed to
be the parent of a child for whom the local child support agency is attempting to establish
paternity or establish, modify, or enforce support pursuant to Section 17400.
     (e) Any person who willfully, knowingly, and intentionally violates this section is guilty of a

   (f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to compel the disclosure of information relating to
a deserting parent who is a recipient of aid under a public assistance program for which federal
aid is paid to this state, if that information is required to be kept confidential by the federal law or
regulations relating to the program.
§ 17514.  Confidentiality of child abduction records; Release of information
   (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to protect individual rights of privacy, and to facilitate and
enhance the effectiveness of the child abduction and recovery programs, by ensuring the
confidentiality of child abduction records, and to thereby encourage the full and frank disclosure
of information relevant to all of the following:

   (1) The establishment or maintenance of parent and child relationships and support obligations.
   (2) The enforcement of the child support liability of absent parents.
   (3) The enforcement of spousal support liability of the spouse or former spouse to the extent
required by the state plan under Section 17400, and Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 4800)
of Part 5 of Division 9.

   (4) The location of absent parents.
   (5) The location of parents and children abducted, concealed, or detained by them.
   (b)(1) Except as provided in this subdivision, all files, applications, papers, documents, and
records, established or maintained by any public entity for the purpose of locating an abducted
child, locating a person who has abducted a child, or prosecution of a person who has abducted a
child shall be confidential, and shall not be open to examination or released for disclosure for
any purpose not directly connected with locating or recovering the abducted child or abducting
person or prosecution of the abducting person.

   (2) Except as provided in subdivision (c), no public entity shall disclose any file, application,
paper document, or record described in this section, or the information contained therein.

   (c)(1) All files, applications, papers, documents, and records as described in subdivision (b)
shall be available and may be used by a public entity for all administrative, civil, or criminal
investigations, actions, proceedings, or prosecution conducted in connection with the child
abduction or prosecution of the abducting person.

   (2) A document requested by a person who wrote, prepared, or furnished the document may be
examined by or disclosed to that person or his or her designee.
   (3) Public records subject to disclosure under Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250) of
Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code may be released.
     (4) After a noticed motion and a finding by the court, in a case in which child recovery or
abduction prosecution actions are being taken, that release or disclosure is required by due
process of law, the court may order a public entity that possesses an application, paper,
document, or record described in this subdivision to make that item available to the defendant or
other party for examination or copying, or to disclose to an appropriate person the contents of
that item. Article 9 (commencing with Section 1040) of Chapter 4 of Division 8 of the Evidence
Code shall not be applicable to proceedings under this part.

   (5) To the extent not prohibited by federal law or regulation, information indicating the
existence or imminent threat of a crime against a minor child, or location of a concealed or
abducted child or the location of the concealing or abducting person, may be disclosed to any
appropriate law enforcement agency, or to any state or county child protective agency, or may be
used in any judicial proceedings to prosecute that crime or to protect the child.

   (6) Information may be released to any state or local agency for the purposes connected with
establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support obligations, enforcing spousal support
orders, and determining paternity as required by Part D (commencing with Section 651) of
Subchapter IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States Code and this article.
TITLE 2. Government of the State of California
DIVISION 1. General
CHAPTER 7. California Emergency Services Act
ARTICLE 6.5. Accessibility to Emergency Services Information
§ 8594.  Activation of the Emergency Alert System
   (a) If an abduction has been reported to a law enforcement agency and the agency determines
that a child 17 years of age or younger, or an individual with a proven mental or physical
disability, has been abducted and is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death, and
there is information available that, if disseminated to the general public, could assist in the safe
recovery of the victim, the agency, through a person authorized to activate the Emergency Alert
System, shall, absent extenuating investigative needs, request activation of the Emergency Alert
System within the appropriate local area. Law enforcement agencies shall only request activation
of the Emergency Alert System for an abduction if these requirements are met. The Emergency
Alert System is not intended to be used for abductions resulting from custody disputes that are
not reasonably believed to endanger the life or physical health of a child.

   The California Highway Patrol, if requested by a law enforcement agency, shall activate the
   (b) The California Highway Patrol, in consultation with the Department of Justice, as well as a
representative from the California State Sheriffs' Association, the California Police Chiefs'
Association, and the California Peace Officers' Association, shall develop policies and
procedures providing instruction specifying how law enforcement agencies, broadcasters
participating in the Emergency Alert System, and any other intermediate emergency agencies
that may institute activation of the Emergency Alert System, and, where appropriate, other supplemental warning systems, shall proceed after a qualifying abduction has been reported to a
law enforcement agency. Those policies and procedures shall include, but not be limited to:

   (1) Procedures for transfer of information regarding the abducted victim and abduction from
the law enforcement agency to the broadcasters;
   (2) Specification of the event code or codes that should be used if the Emergency Alert System
is activated to report a qualifying child abduction;

   (3) Recommended language for an abduction alert;
   (4) Specification of information that must be included by the reporting law enforcement
agency, including which agency a person with information relating to the abduction should
contact and how the person should contact the agency; and

   (5) Recommendations on the extent of the geographical area to which a child abduction
emergency alert should be broadcast.
   (c) The California Highway Patrol, in consultation with the Department of Justice, shall review
the Amber Plan as adopted by other states and Orange County's Child Abduction Regional
Emergency Alert Program for guidance in developing appropriate policies and procedures for
use of the Emergency Alert System and, where appropriate, other supplemental warning systems
to report qualifying abductions.

   (d) The California Highway Patrol, in conjunction with the Department of Justice, shall
develop a comprehensive child abduction education system to educate children in the state on the
appropriate behavior to deter abduction. The California Highway Patrol shall convene a group
consisting of a representative from the California State Sheriffs' Association, the California
Police Chiefs' Association, and the California Peace Officers' Association, representatives of
advocacy groups, and the Department of Education to assist in the development of a plan.
TITLE 2. Government of the State of California
DIVISION 3. Executive Department
PART 5.5. Department of General Services
CHAPTER 2. Powers and Duties, Generally
ARTICLE 3. Buildings and Grounds
§ 14685.  Maintenance employees; Misdemeanor violations of regulations; Posting of
information about missing children; Highway Patrol regulations
   (a) The director shall appoint assistants, clerks, and employees as may be necessary to maintain
the state buildings and grounds. The employees shall not have or perform the duties or functions
of peace officers.

   The department may establish rules and regulations for the government and maintenance of the
state buildings and grounds. Every person who violates or attempts to violate the rules and
regulations is guilty of a misdemeanor.
   (b) Information regarding missing children provided by the Department of Justice pursuant to
Section 11114.1 of the Penal Code shall be posted in public areas of all state-owned or leased
buildings that have at least 20,000 square feet of office space, or that are staffed by at least 50
employees, or where service is provided to the general public and in other public areas of stateowned or leased buildings as determined by the department to be reasonable.

   (c) (1) The Department of the California Highway Patrol may establish rules and regulations
pertaining to the protection of state employees, properties, buildings and grounds, and occupants
of state properties, including, but not limited to, the issuance of permits concerning the use of
state buildings, properties, and grounds.

   (2) A violation of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to paragraph (1) is a misdemeanor.
   (3) This subdivision does not apply to state buildings or grounds owned, leased, rented,
controlled, used, or occupied by the University of California, the California State University,
Hastings College of the Law, the California Exposition and State Fair, the state hospitals of the
State Department of Mental Health or the State Department of Developmental Services, the
institutions and camps of the Department of Corrections or the Department of the Youth
Authority, and the parks and beaches of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
PART 1. Crimes and Punishments
TITLE 9. Of Crimes Against the Person Involving Sexual Assault, and Crimes Against Public
Decency and Good Morals
CHAPTER 4. Child Abduction
§ 277.  Definitions
   The following definitions apply for the purposes of this chapter:

   (a) "Child" means a person under the age of 18 years.
   (b) "Court order" or "custody order" means a custody determination decree, judgment, or order
issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, whether permanent or temporary, initial or modified,
that affects the custody or visitation of a child, issued in the context of a custody proceeding. An
order, once made, shall continue in effect until it expires, is modified, is rescinded, or terminates
by operation of law.

   (c) "Custody proceeding" means a proceeding in which a custody determination is an issue,
including, but not limited to, an action for dissolution or separation, dependency, guardianship,
termination of parental rights, adoption, paternity, except actions under Section 11350 or
11350.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or protection from domestic violence proceedings,
including an emergency protective order pursuant to Part 3 (commencing with Section 6240) of
Division 10 of the Family Code.

   (d) "Lawful custodian" means a person, guardian, or public agency having a right to custody of
a child.
   (e) A "right to custody" means the right to the physical care, custody, and control of a child
pursuant to a custody order as defined in subdivision (b) or, in the absence of a court order, by
operation of law, or pursuant to the Uniform Parentage Act contained in Part 3 (commencing
with Section 7600) of Division 12 of the Family Code. Whenever a public agency takes
protective custody or jurisdiction of the care, custody, control, or conduct of a child by statutory
authority or court order, that agency is a lawful custodian of the child and has a right to physical
custody of the child. In any subsequent placement of the child, the public agency continues to be
a lawful custodian with a right to physical custody of the child until the public agency's right of
custody is terminated by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction or by operation of law.

   (f) In the absence of a court order to the contrary, a parent loses his or her right to custody of
the child to the other parent if the parent having the right to custody is dead, is unable or refuses
to take the custody, or has abandoned his or her family. A natural parent whose parental rights
have been terminated by court order is no longer a lawful custodian and no longer has a right to
physical custody.

   (g) "Keeps" or "withholds" means retains physical possession of a child whether or not the
child resists or objects.

   (h) "Visitation" means the time for access to the child allotted to any person by court order.
   (i) "Person" includes, but is not limited to, a parent or an agent of a parent.
   (j) "Domestic violence" means domestic violence as defined in Section 6211 of the Family
   (k) "Abduct" means take, entice away, keep, withhold, or conceal.
§ 278.  Punishment
   Every person, not having a right to custody, who maliciously takes, entices away, keeps,
withholds, or conceals any child with the intent to detain or conceal that child from a lawful
custodian shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, a fine not
exceeding one thousand dollars ($ 1,000), or both that fine and imprisonment, or by
imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, a fine not exceeding ten thousand
dollars ($ 10,000), or both that fine and imprisonment.
§ 279.6.  Law enforcement officer
   (a) A law enforcement officer may take a child into protective custody under any of the
following circumstances:

   (1) It reasonably appears to the officer that a person is likely to conceal the child, flee the
jurisdiction with the child, or, by flight or concealment, evade the authority of the court.

   (2) There is no lawful custodian available to take custody of the child.
   (3) There are conflicting custody orders or conflicting claims to custody and the parties cannot
agree which party should take custody of the child.

   (4) The child is an abducted child.
   (b) When a law enforcement officer takes a child into protective custody pursuant to this
section, the officer shall do one of the following:
   (1) Release the child to the lawful custodian of the child, unless it reasonably appears that the
release would cause the child to be endangered, abducted, or removed from the jurisdiction.

   (2) Obtain an emergency protective order pursuant to Part 3 (commencing with Section 6240)
of Division 10 of the Family Code ordering placement of the child with an interim custodian who
agrees in writing to accept interim custody.

   (3) Release the child to the social services agency responsible for arranging shelter or foster

   (4) Return the child as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
   (c) Upon the arrest of a person for a violation of Section 278 or 278.5, a law enforcement
officer shall take possession of an abducted child who is found in the company of, or under the
control of, the arrested person and deliver the child as directed in subdivision (b).

   (d) Notwithstanding any other law, when a person is arrested for an alleged violation of
Section 278 or 278.5, the court shall, at the time of the arraignment or thereafter, order that the
child shall be returned to the lawful custodian by or on a specific date, or that the person show
cause on that date why the child has not been returned as ordered. If conflicting custodial orders
exist within this state, or between this state and a foreign state, the court shall set a hearing
within five court days to determine which court has jurisdiction under the laws of this state and
determine which state has subject matter jurisdiction to issue a custodial order under the laws of
this state, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (Part 3 (commencing with Section 3400)
of Division 8 of the Family Code), or federal law, if applicable. At the conclusion of the hearing,
or if the child has not been returned as ordered by the court at the time of arraignment, the court
shall enter an order as to which custody order is valid and is to be enforced. If the child has not
been returned at the conclusion of the hearing, the court shall set a date within a reasonable time
by which the child shall be returned to the lawful custodian, and order the defendant to comply
by this date, or to show cause on that date why he or she has not returned the child as directed.
The court shall only enforce its order, or any subsequent orders for the return of the child, under
subdivision (a) of Section 1219 of the Code of Civil Procedure, to ensure that the child is
promptly placed with the lawful custodian. An order adverse to either the prosecution or defense
is reviewable by a writ of mandate or prohibition addressed to the appropriate court.
§ 784.5.  Jurisdiction over child abduction offenses
   The jurisdiction of a criminal action for a violation of Section 277, 278, or 278.5 shall be in
any one of the following jurisdictional territories:
   (a) Any jurisdictional territory in which the victimized person resides, or where the agency
deprived of custody is located, at the time of the taking or deprivation.

   (b) The jurisdictional territory in which the minor child was taken, detained, or concealed.
   (c) The jurisdictional territory in which the minor child is found.
   When the jurisdiction lies in more than one jurisdictional territory, the district attorneys
concerned may agree which of them will prosecute the case.
§ 13844.  Activities for which funds may be used; Utilization of volunteers and senior citizens;
Local commitment
   (a) Use of funds granted under the California Community Crime Resistance Program are
restricted to the following activities:

   (1) Further the goal of a statewide crime prevention network by supporting the initiation or
expansion of local crime prevention efforts.

   (2) Provide information and encourage the use of new and innovative refinements to the
traditional crime prevention model in localities that currently maintain a well-established crime
prevention program.

   (3) Support the development of a coordinated service network, including information exchange
and case referral between such programs as local victim-witness assistance programs, sexual
assault programs, gang violence reduction programs, drug suppression programs, elderly care
custodians, state and local elderly service programs, or any other established and recognizable
local programs devoted to the lessening of crime and the promotion of the community's wellbeing.

   (b) With respect to the initiation or expansion of local crime prevention efforts, projects
supported under the California Community Crime Resistance Program shall do either of the

   (1) Carry out as many of the following activities as deemed, in the judgment of the agency or
agencies designated by the Director of Finance pursuant to Section 13820, to be consistent with
available resources:

   (A) Crime prevention programs using tailored outreach techniques in order to provide effective
and consistent services for the elderly in the following areas:

   (i) Crime prevention information to elderly citizens regarding personal safety, fraud, theft,
grand theft, burglary, and elderly abuse.

   (ii) Services designed to respond to the specific and diverse crime prevention needs of elderly
residential communities.
     (iii) Specific services coordinated to assist in the installation of security devices or provision of
escort services and victim assistance.

   (B) Programs to provide training, information, and prevention literature to peace officers,
elderly care custodians, health practitioners, and social service providers regarding physical
abuse and neglect within residential health care facilities for the elderly.

   (C) Programs to promote neighborhood involvement such as, but not limited to, block clubs
and other community or resident-sponsored anticrime programs.

   (D) Personal safety programs.
   (E) Domestic violence prevention programs.
   (F) Crime prevention programs specifically geared to youth in schools and school district

   (G) Programs which make available to residents and businesses information on locking
devices, building security and related crime resistance approaches.
   (H) In cooperation with the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, support for
the training of peace officers in crime prevention and its effects on the relationship between
citizens and law enforcement.

   (I) Efforts to address the crime prevention needs of communities with high proportions of
teenagers and young adults, low-income families, and non-English-speaking residents, including
juvenile delinquency diversion, social service referrals, and making available crime resistance
literature in appropriate languages other than English.

   (2) Implement a community policing program in targeted neighborhoods that are drug infested.
The goal of this program shall be to empower the people against illegal drug activity. A program
funded pursuant to this chapter shall be able to target one or more neighborhoods within the
grant period. In order to be eligible for funding, the program shall have the commitment of the
community, local law enforcement, school districts, and community service groups; and shall be
supported by either the city council or the board of supervisors, whichever is applicable.

   (c) With respect to the support of new and innovative techniques, communities taking part in
the California Crime Resistance Program shall carry out those activities as determined by the
agency or agencies designated by the Director of Finance pursuant to Section 13820, that
conform to local needs and are consistent with available expertise and resources. These
techniques may include, but are not limited to, community policing programs or activities
involving the following:

   (1) Programs to reinforce the security of "latchkey" children, including neighborhood
monitoring, special contact telephone numbers, emergency procedure training for the children,
daily telephone checks for the children's well-being, and assistance in developing safe
alternatives to unsupervised conditions for children.

   (2) Programs dedicated to educating parents in procedures designed to do all of the following:
   (A) Minimize or prevent the abduction of children.
   (B) Assist children in understanding the risk of child abduction.
   (C) Maximize the recovery of abducted children.
   (3) Programs devoted to developing automated systems for monitoring and tracking crimes
within organized neighborhoods.
   (4) Programs devoted to developing timely "feedback mechanisms" whose goals would be to
alert residents to new crime problems and to reinforce household participation in neighborhood
security organizations.

   (5) Programs devoted to creating and packaging special crime prevention approaches tailored
to the special needs and characteristics of California's cultural and ethnic minorities.
   (6) Research into the effectiveness of local crime prevention efforts including the relationships
between crime prevention activities, participants' economic and demographic characteristics,
project costs, local or regional crime rate, and law enforcement planning and staff deployment.

   (7) Programs devoted to crime and delinquency prevention through the establishment of
partnership initiatives utilizing elderly and juvenile volunteers.

   (d) All approved programs shall utilize volunteers to assist in implementing and conducting
community crime resistance programs. Programs providing elderly crime prevention programs
shall recruit senior citizens to assist in providing services.

   (e) Programs funded pursuant to this chapter shall demonstrate a commitment to support
citizen involvement with local funds after the program has been developed and implemented
with state moneys.
PART 4. Prevention of Crimes and Apprehension of Criminals
TITLE 12. Violent Crime Information Center
§ 14200.  Establishment and maintenance of center; Programs
   The Attorney General shall establish and maintain the Violent Crime Information Center to
assist in the identification and the apprehension of persons responsible for specific violent crimes
and for the disappearance and exploitation of persons, particularly children and dependent adults.
The center shall establish and maintain programs which include, but are not limited to, all of the
following: developing violent offender profiles; assisting local law enforcement agencies and
county district attorneys by providing investigative information on persons responsible for
specific violent crimes and missing person cases; providing physical description information and
photographs, if available, of missing persons to county district attorneys, nonprofit missing
persons organizations, and schools; and providing statistics on missing dependent adults and on missing children, including, as may be applicable, family abductions, nonfamily abductions,
voluntary missing, and lost children or lost dependent adults.
§ 14201.  Online, automated computer system; System of cataloguing missing person reports;
Information available to law enforcement agencies; Bulletin
   (a) The Attorney General shall establish within the center and shall maintain an online,
automated computer system designed to effect an immediate law enforcement response to reports
of missing persons. The Attorney General shall design the computer system, using any existing
system, including the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, to include an
active file of information concerning persons reported to it as missing and who have not been
reported as found. The computer system shall also include a confidential historic data base. The
Attorney General shall develop a system of cataloging missing person reports according to a
variety of characteristics in order to facilitate locating particular categories of reports as needed.

   (b) The Attorney General's active files described in subdivision (a) shall be made available to
law enforcement agencies. The Attorney General shall provide to these agencies the name and
personal description data of the missing person including, but not limited to, the person's date of
birth, color of eyes and hair, sex, height, weight, and race, the time and date he or she was
reported missing, the reporting agency, and any other data pertinent to the purpose of locating
missing persons. However, the Attorney General shall not release the information if the reporting
agency requests the Attorney General in writing not to release the information because it would
impair a criminal investigation.

   (c) The Attorney General shall distribute a missing children and dependent adults bulletin on a
quarterly basis to local law enforcement agencies, district attorneys, and public schools. The
Attorney General shall also make this information accessible to other parties involved in efforts
to locate missing children and dependent adults and to those other persons as the Attorney
General deems appropriate.

   This section shall become operative on July 1, 1989.
§ 14201.1.  Establishment and maintenance of Violent Crime Information Network
   The Attorney General shall establish and maintain, upon appropriation of funds by the
Legislature, the Violent Crime Information Network within the center to enable the Department
of Justice crime analysts with expertise in child abuse, missing persons, child abductions, and
sexual assaults to electronically share their data, analysis, and findings on violent crime cases
with each other, and to electronically provide law enforcement agencies with information to
assist in the identification, tracking, and apprehension of violent offenders. The Violent Crime
Information Network shall serve to integrate existing state, federal, and civilian data bases into a
single comprehensive network.
§ 14201.5.  Missing and Exploited Children's Recovery Network    (a) The Attorney General shall establish within the Department of Justice the Missing and
Exploited Children's Recovery Network by July 31, 1995.

   (b) This network shall consist of an automated computerized system that shall have the
capability to electronically transmit to all state and local law enforcement agencies, and all
cooperating news media services, either by facsimile or computer modem, a missing child poster
that includes the name, personal description data, and picture of the missing child. The
information contained in this poster shall include, but not be limited to, the child's date of birth,
color of eyes and hair, sex, height, weight, race, the time and date he or she was reported
missing, the reporting agency, including contact person at reporting agency if known, and any
other data pertinent to the purpose of locating missing persons.

   (c) The Department of Justice shall work in cooperation with the National Center for Missing
and Exploited Children to develop and implement a network that can electronically interface
with the National Missing and Exploited Children's Network.

   (d) The Attorney General shall implement this network within existing Department of Justice
§ 14201.6.  Internet information
   (a) The Department of Justice shall establish and maintain a publicly accessible computer
internet directory of information relating to the following:

   (1) Persons for whom an arrest warrant has been issued pursuant to an alleged violation of any
offense defined as a violent felony in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5.

   (2) Critical missing children.
   (3) Unsolved homicides.
   (b) The Attorney General may determine the extent of information and the priority of cases to
be included in the directory.
   (c) The department shall keep confidential, and not enter into the directory, either of the
   (1) Information regarding any case for which the Attorney General has determined that
disclosure pursuant to this section would endanger the safety of a person involved in an
investigation or the successful completion of the investigation or a related investigation.

   (2) Information regarding an arrest warrant for which the issuing magistrate has determined
that disclosure pursuant to this section would endanger the safety of a person involved in an
investigation or the successful completion of the investigation or a related investigation.

   (d) For purposes of this section, "critical missing child" includes, but is not limited to, any case
of a missing child for which there is evidence or indications that the child is at risk, as specified
in subdivision (b) of Section 14213. § 14202.  Investigative support unit and automated violent crime method of operation system
   (a) The Attorney General shall establish and maintain within the center an investigative support
unit and an automated violent crime method of operation system to facilitate the identification
and apprehension of persons responsible for murder, kidnap, including parental abduction, false
imprisonment, or sexual assault. This unit shall be responsible for identifying perpetrators of
violent felonies collected from the center and analyzing and comparing data on missing persons
in order to determine possible leads which could assist local law enforcement agencies. This unit
shall only release information about active investigations by police and sheriffs' departments to
local law enforcement agencies.

   (b) The Attorney General shall make available to the investigative support unit files organized
by category of offender or victim and shall seek information from other files as needed by the
unit. This set of files may include, among others, the following:

   (1) Missing or unidentified, deceased persons' dental files filed pursuant to this title, Section
27521 of the Government Code, or Section 102870 of the Health and Safety Code.

   (2) Child abuse reports filed pursuant to Section 11169.
   (3) Sex offender registration files maintained pursuant to Section 290.
   (4) State summary criminal history information maintained pursuant to Section 11105.
   (5) Information obtained pursuant to the parent locator service maintained pursuant to Section
11478.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.

   (6) Information furnished to the Department of Justice pursuant to Section 11107.
   (7) Other Attorney General's office files as requested by the investigative support unit.
§ 14203.  Acceptance and generation of information by online missing persons registry;
Establishment and use of confidential historic database on missing children and dependent adults
   (a) The online missing persons registry shall accept and generate complete information on a
missing person.

   (b) The information on a missing person shall be retrievable by any of the following:
   (1) The person's name.
   (2) The person's date of birth.
   (3) The person's social security number.
   (4) Whether a dental chart has been received, coded, and entered into the National Crime
Information Center Missing Person System by the Attorney General.
   (5) The person's physical description, including hair and eye color and body marks.
   (6) The person's known associates.
   (7) The person's last known location.
   (8) The name or assumed name of the abductor, if applicable, other pertinent information
relating to the abductor or the assumed abductor, or both.

   (9) Any other information, as deemed appropriate by the Attorney General.
   (c) The Attorney General, in consultation with local law enforcement agencies and other user
groups, shall develop the form in which information shall be entered into the system.

   (d) The Attorney General shall establish and maintain within the center a separate, confidential
historic database relating to missing children and dependent adults. The historic database may be
used only by the center for statistical and research purposes. The historic database shall be set up
to categorize cases relating to missing children and dependent adults by type. These types shall
include the following: runaways, voluntary missing, lost, abduction involving movement of the
victim in the commission of the crime or sexual exploitation of the victim, nonfamily abduction,
family abduction, and any other categories as determined by the Attorney General. In addition,
the data shall include the number of missing children and missing dependent adults in this state
and the category of each case.

   (e) The center may supply information about specific cases from the historic database to a local
police department, sheriff's department, or district attorney, only in connection with an
investigation by the police department, sheriff's department, or district attorney of a missing
person case or a violation or attempted violation of Section 220, 261.5, 262, 273a, 273d, or
273.5, or any sex offense listed in Section 290, except for the offense specified in subdivision (d)
of Section 243.4.
§ 14208.  Telephone hotline for receipt of information regarding missing children and dependent
adults; Posters of missing children
   (a) The Department of Justice shall operate a statewide, toll-free telephone hotline 24 hours per
day, seven days per week to receive information regarding missing children and dependent adults
and relay this information to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

   (b) The Department of Justice shall select up to six children per month from the missing
children registry maintained pursuant to former Section 11114 or pursuant to the system
maintained pursuant to Sections 14201 and 14202 and shall produce posters with photographs
and information regarding these children, including the missing children hotline telephone
number and reward information. The department shall make these posters available to parties as
prescribed and as the department deems appropriate. § 14209.  Photographs of missing children; Information from organizations with ongoing
missing children programs
   (a) The Department of Justice shall provide appropriate local reporting agencies with a list of
persons still listed as missing who are under 18 years of age, with an appropriate waiver form in
order to assist the reporting agency in obtaining a photograph of each of the missing children.

   (b) Local reporting agencies shall attempt to obtain the most recent photograph available for
persons still listed as missing and forward those photographs to the Department of Justice.

   (c) The department shall include these photographs, as they become available, in the quarterly
bulletins pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 14201.

   (d) State and local elected officials, agencies, departments, boards, and commissions may
enclose in their mailings information regarding missing children or dependent adults obtainable
from the Department of Justice or any organization that is recognized as a nonprofit, tax-exempt
organization under state or federal law and that has an ongoing missing children program.
Elected officials, agency secretaries, and directors of departments, boards, and commissions are
urged to develop policies to enclose missing children or dependent adults information in
mailings when it will not increase postage costs, and is otherwise deemed appropriate.
PART 4. Prevention of Crimes and Apprehension of Criminals
TITLE 12. Violent Crime Information Center
§ 14213.  Definitions
   (a) As used in this title, "missing person" includes, but is not limited to, a child who has been
taken, detained, concealed, enticed away, or retained by a parent in violation of Chapter 4
(commencing with Section 277) of Title 9 of Part 1. It also includes any child who is missing
voluntarily or involuntarily, or under circumstances not conforming to his or her ordinary habits
or behavior and who may be in need of assistance.

   (b) As used in this title, "evidence that the person is at risk" includes, but is not limited to,
evidence or indications of any of the following:

   (1) The person missing is the victim of a crime or foul play.
   (2) The person missing is in need of medical attention.
   (3) The person missing has no pattern of running away or disappearing.
   (4) The person missing may be the victim of parental abduction.
   (5) The person missing is mentally impaired.
   (c) As used in this title, "child" is any person under the age of 18.
     (d) As used in this title, "center" means the Violent Crime Information Center.

   (e) As used in this title, "dependent adult" is any person described in subdivision (e) of Section

   (f) As used in this title, "dental or medical records or X-rays," include all those records or Xrays which are in the possession of a dentist, physician and surgeon, or medical facility.
DIVISION 1. State Highways
CHAPTER 1. Administration
ARTICLE 7. Safety Roadside Rests
§ 221.  Posting of information regarding missing children at roadside rests
   The department shall, to the extent feasible, post at appropriate safety roadside rests
information regarding missing children provided by the Department of Justice pursuant to
Section 11114.1 of the Penal Code.
DIVISION 9. Public Social Services
PART 3. Aid and Medical Assistance
CHAPTER 2. California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Act
ARTICLE 7. Enforcement
§ 11478.1.  Confidentiality of child recovery and support enforcement records; Disclosure;
"Putative parent"
   (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to protect individual rights of privacy, and to facilitate and
enhance the effectiveness of the child and spousal support enforcement program, by ensuring the
confidentiality of support enforcement and child abduction records, and to thereby encourage the
full and frank disclosure of information relevant to all of the following:

   (1) The establishment or maintenance of parent and child relationships and support obligations.
   (2) The enforcement of the child support liability of absent parents.
   (3) The enforcement of spousal support liability of the spouse or former spouse to the extent
required by the state plan under Section 11475.2 of this code and Chapter 6 (commencing with
Section 4900) of Part 5 of Division 9 of the Family Code.

   (4) The location of absent parents.
   (5) The location of parents and children abducted, concealed, or detained by them.
   (b) (1) Except as provided in subdivision (c), all files, applications, papers, documents, and
records established or maintained by any public entity pursuant to the administration and implementation of the child and spousal support enforcement program established pursuant to
Part D (commencing with Section 651) of Subchapter IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United
States Code and this article, shall be confidential, and shall not be open to examination or
released for disclosure for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the child
and spousal support enforcement program. No public entity shall disclose any file, application,
paper, document, or record, or the information contained therein, except as expressly authorized
by this section.

   (2) In no case shall information be released or the whereabouts of one party or the child
disclosed to another party, or to the attorney of any other party, if a protective order has been
issued by a court or administrative agency with respect to the former party, a good cause claim
under Section 11477.04 has been approved or is pending, or the public agency responsible for
establishing paternity or enforcing support has reason to believe that the release of the
information may result in physical or emotional harm to the former party or the child.

   (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a proof of service filed by the district attorney
shall not disclose the address where service of process was accomplished. Instead, the district
attorney shall keep the address in his or her own records. The proof of service shall specify that
the address is on record at the district attorney's office and that the address may be released only
upon an order from the court pursuant to paragraph (6) of subdivision (c).

   (c) Disclosure of the information described in subdivision (b) is authorized as follows:
   (1) All files, applications, papers, documents and records as described in subdivision (b) shall
be available and may be used by a public entity for all administrative, civil, or criminal
investigations, actions, proceedings, or prosecutions conducted in connection with the
administration of the child and spousal support enforcement program approved under Part D
(commencing with Section 651) of Subchapter IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States
Code, and any other plan or program described in Section 303.21 of Title 45 of the Code of
Federal Regulations and to the county welfare department responsible for administering a
program operated under a state plan pursuant to Subpart 1 or 2 or Part B or Part E of Subchapter
IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

   (2) A document requested by a person who wrote, prepared, or furnished the document may be
examined by or disclosed to that person or his or her designee.
   (3) The payment history of an obligor pursuant to a support order may be examined by or
released to the court, the obligor, or the person on whose behalf enforcement actions are being
taken or that person's designee.

   (4) Income and expense information of either parent may be released to the other parent for the
purpose of establishing or modifying a support order.
   (5) Public records subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5
(commencing with Section 6250) of Division 7 of the Government Code) may be released.

   (6) After a noticed motion and a finding by the court, in a case in which establishment or
enforcement actions are being taken, that release or disclosure to the obligor or obligee is
required by due process of law, the court may order a public entity that possesses an application, paper, document, or record as described in subdivision (b) to make that item available to the
obligor or obligee for examination or copying, or to disclose to the obligor or obligee the
contents of that item. Article 9 (commencing with Section 1040) of Chapter 4 of Division 3 of
the Evidence Code shall not be applicable to proceedings under this part. At any hearing of a
motion filed pursuant to this section, the court shall inquire of the district attorney and the parties
appearing at the hearing if there is reason to believe that release of the requested information
may result in physical or emotional harm to a party. If the court determines that harm may occur,
the court shall issue any protective orders or injunctive orders restricting the use and disclosure
of the information as are necessary to protect the individuals.

   (7) To the extent not prohibited by federal law or regulation, information indicating the
existence or imminent threat of a crime against a child, or location of a concealed, detained, or
abducted child or the location of the concealing, detaining, or abducting person, may be
disclosed to any district attorney, any appropriate law enforcement agency, or to any state or
county child protective agency, or may be used in any judicial proceedings to prosecute that
crime or to protect the child.

   (8) The social security number, most recent address, and the place of employment of the absent
parent may be released to an authorized person as defined in Section 653(c) of Title 42 of the
United States Code, only if the authorized person has filed a request for the information, and
only if the information has been provided to the California Parent Locator Service by the federal
Parent Locator Service pursuant to Section 653 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

   (d) (1) "Administration and implementation of the child and spousal support enforcement
program," as used in this section, means the carrying out of the state and local plans for
establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support obligations, enforcing spousal support
orders, and determining paternity pursuant to Part D (commencing with Section 651) of
Subchapter IV of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States Code and this article.

   (2) For purposes of this section, "obligor" means any person owing a duty of support.
   (3) As used in this chapter, "putative parent" shall refer to any person reasonably believed to be
the parent of a child for whom the district attorney is attempting to establish paternity or
establish, modify, or enforce support pursuant to Section 11475.1.

   (e) Any person who willfully, knowingly, and intentionally violates this section is guilty of a
   (f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to compel the disclosure of information relating to
a deserting parent who is a recipient of aid under a public assistance program for which federal
aid is paid to this state, if that information is required to be kept confidential by the federal law or
regulations relating to the program.
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Monday, November 7, 2011

I, Praetorian

Published Online: November 7, 2011
Published in Print: November 9, 2011, as Justice Dept. Pressures Ala. Districts for Data

Federal department of Justice Pressures Alabama Schools for Attendance Data

  • As litigation over Alabama's tough new immigration law continues, federal civil rights authorities have ramped up pressure on the state's public schools to show they are not violating federal law by denying students access to schooling because of their immigration status.
  • Saying Alabama's immigration law "may chill or discourage student participation" in public education, Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez—who is the head of the civil rights division for the U.S. Department of Justice—last week ordered 39 school districts in the state to submit detailed enrollment data to his office, including information about students who have withdrawn from school since the current academic year began. Those districts were targeted because they have a "considerable number of Hispanic students," said Xochitl Hinojosa, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department.
  • But Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange told school superintendents late last week to hold off on providing the data until the Justice Department cites what legal authority it has for requesting the information. In a Nov. 2  letter Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to Mr. Perez, Mr. Strange wrote that he is "perplexed and troubled" by the demand for student-enrollment data and questioned the Justice Department's standing to ask for it.
  • In a Nov. 4 letter to the Alabama attorney general, Mr. Perez wrote that the Justice Department has requested the information to review compliance under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the federal Equal Educational Opportunities Act. The letter also said the request for information is similar to statewide student enrollment data released to the press by Alabama last week. District leaders got no further clarity after Mr. Strange wrote back to Mr. Perez Nov. 4 asserting that the federal official had failed to cite legal authority to compel school districts to provide the enrollment data.

  • Caught in the Middle

  • The Obama administration has sued Alabama over its tough, new immigration lawRequires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which took effect Sept. 29. The law includes a provision requiring school districts to ask new students to show proof of citizenship or lawful immigration status when they enroll and report that information to the state department of education.
  • School districts across the state have reported widespread absences and withdrawals of Latino students this school year, especially in the days after Sept. 28 when a U.S. District Court judge in Birmingham upheld that provision. That part of the law has since been put on hold by a federal appeals court in Atlanta, and some districts have since seen an uptick in Hispanic students returning to school. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, in Atlanta will likely hear full arguments in the case later this year.

  • In the meantime, school district leaders around the state have become increasingly frustrated as they try to abide by both state and federal law while the dispute over the immigration law plays out, said Eric Mackey, the executive director of the School Superintendents of Alabama, a Montgomery-based group that represents local school chiefs. The data request from the Justice Department that the state attorney general is now challenging is just the latest example, he said.
  • "Our educators need to make sure that teaching and learning is happening every day in their schools, but they keep getting sidetracked by these legal issues and things that seem to be changing on a daily basis," said Mr. Mackey.

  • The Justice Department letter to superintendents specifically requests that school districts report information about students' race, national origin, and status as English-language learners. Besides asking for information about students who have withdrawn, the Justice Department is seeking data on students who have had even one "unexplained" absence this year. School districts have until Nov. 14 to respond. Additionally, Mr. Perez asks the districts to provide monthly reports on withdrawals and unexplained absences on an indefinite basis.
  • 'Troubling' Implications
  • Local school officials who received the Justice Department letter said they are disturbed by its implications.

  • "That they would assume that there's been some movement to discourage students from coming to school is very troubling to us," said Tom Salter, a spokesman for the 32,000-student school system in Montgomery, the state capital. "We've been trying our best to contact families and assure them that they are welcome in our schools. It doesn't matter what color they are, or where they are from, or if they have documentation."

  • Mr. Salter said Montgomery schools have not experienced a mass exodus of Hispanic students, whose current enrollment is about 1,250, but noted that roughly 40 Hispanic families have withdrawn their children and not returned.

  • In Birmingham's 25,000-student system—where district officials also received the Justice Department letter—about 72 Latino students have withdrawn and not returned since the beginning of the school year, said spokeswoman Michaelle Chapman. The district enrolls about 500 Hispanic students, and most of them are English-language learners, she said.

  • Like Montgomery schools, Birmingham has made a concerted effort to communicate directly with parents of Hispanic students and assure them that sending their children to school won't jeopardize their families.

  • "We want all children to be in school and to take advantage of the educational opportunities we offer," Ms. Chapman said.
  • Mr. Mackey said superintendents initially interpreted the letter as a 

  • warning that their districts might be targeted for legal action.
  • But Justice Department officials have since spoken to a few superintendents and reassured them that is not the case, he said.

  • "They were told that they had done nothing wrong and that the Justice Department is simply collecting data [related to the litigation]," Mr. Mackey said.

  • Ms. Hinojosa declined to comment on the specific purpose of the data request, other than to say that the Justice Department is responsible for enforcing federal laws that guarantee equal access to public education.

  • Still, Mr. Mackey said the data request itself will be a difficult undertaking for school systems, should it proceed. Some of the information the Justice Department is seeking, such as national origin of students and reasons for unexplained absences, is not collected at all by schools. And the request to submit enrollment reports on a monthly basis for an indefinite period of time is "egregious," he said.

  • Immigration advocates welcomed the Justice Department's request for student data.

  • "We are very appreciative of the Justice Department's presence here," said Isabel Rubio, the executive director of the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, an immigrant advocacy group based in Birmingham. "And we appreciate the level of detail they are asking for because one of the best ways we are going to be able to fully understand the impact of this law is how it has impacted students coming to school."

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Study Warns of Limited Savings from Closing Schools
Edited by I, Praetorian

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Closing schools doesn’t save air academic progress. And it says school districts can help generate some acceptance for a downsizing plan by involving the community early and establishing clear reasons for why certain schools must close.

The report, released Oct. 19, was written by the Philadelphia Research Initiative to foreshadow what the 154,000-student Philadelphia district can expect over the next few years as it plans to close a number of schools because of declining enrollments. The district currently has 70,000 empty seats, according to the report. School administrators have not decided which schools to close and how many, but internal school documents published in June by the website Philadelphia Public School Notebook listed 26 schools that could be shut down.

The report looks at school closings in Chicago, Detroit, Kansas City, Mo., Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and the District of Columbia. Each of those districts has closed at least 20 schools in the past decade, and most of the buildings have been shuttered in the recent past.
For example, Pittsburgh, with around 25,300 students, went through a “right-sizing” effort that closed 22 schools in 2006. The district is now discussing closing seven more schools. The 17,400-student Kansas City district closed 29 schools—nearly half of its school buildings—in 2010.
A Matter of Context
Closing schools does save money, but in districts whose budgets add up to hundreds of millions of dollars or more, the final savings are relatively small, said Larry Eichel, the program director for the Philadelphia Research Initiative, which is a project of the Pew Charitable Trusts. Philadelphia’s current annual budget, for example, is $2.8 billion.
Six Cities Shuttering Buildings
To inform deliberations over plans to close schools in Philadelphia, researchers conducted case studies of recent school closings in six other urban districts.
Closure Period: 2001-2009
Number Closed: 44
Buildings in Use: 602
Closure Period: 2009-2010
Number Closed: 59
Buildings in Use: 130
Kansas City, Mo.
Closure Period: 2009-2010
Number Closed: 29
Buildings in Use: 29
Closure Period: 2005-2010
Number Closed: 20
Buildings in Use: 137
Closure Period: 2006
Number Closed: 22
Buildings in Use: 64
District of Columbia
Closure Period: 2008
Number Closed: 23
Buildings in Use: 11
*As of 2011.
Source: The Philadelphia Research Initiative

“The savings are under a million dollars per school,” Mr. Eichel said. “That’s real money, but not money that changes anything fundamentally.”
The biggest chunk of district money is spent on teachers, and those staff members typically are still needed, just at different locations.

A district also has to pay for some maintenance on shuttered buildings so they don’t become neighborhood eye sores.

And districts should not expect a windfall from selling their old buildings. Those facilities are undesirable to businesses for some of the same reasons that districts decided to close them: The buildings are often located in areas that are losing population. Also, they tend to be in poor condition, and it may be hard to convert them to other purposes, Mr. Eichel said.
The study found examples of repurposing, however. In Milwaukee, a former middle school was bought last year for $600,000 to be converted into senior housing. In Chicago, several closed schools have been converted to charter schools.
Impact on Learning

In examining the academic performance of students in schools slated to be closed, the report focused on a studyDescription: Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader by the Consortium on Chicago School Research that looked at students whose schools were closed between 2001 and 2006. That study found that student performance fell at schools that were slated to be shut down and remained low for the rest of the school year. A year later, though, the academic performance of those displaced students had rebounded to preclosure levels.
The Pew report also cites a studyDescription: Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader led by researchers from the RAND Corp. that examined achievement from students from closed schools in a “midsized urban district in the Northeast.” Though the district was not named, the paper noted that the district closed 22 schools in the 2005-06 school year, which corresponds with Pittsburgh’s experience.
That paper said students in the district whose schools were closed did see a drop in their reading and math scores, but researchers found the effect could be mitigated or eliminated if the students were moved to schools that were higher-performing than the ones they left behind.

The Pew report offers several tools that districts can use to reduce the pain of closing schools. For example, it suggests that outside experts can bring a level of objectivity to the proceedings. Seeking community support early is also essential, the report notes.
It says that the 45,000-student District of Columbia school system committed a misstep by moving too quickly to close schools in the face of a 30 percent decline in enrollment. Under the leadership of then-Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee, the school system announced that closures were coming in September 2007, and the final vote to close 23 schools came, after much controversy, four months later.

Mary Filardo, the executive director of the Washington-based 21st Century School Fund, studies school facilities issues and agrees that the system in Washington moved too quickly to shut down schools. Too many school districts distrust the public when it comes to closure decisions, she said.
Taking It to the Public

“The reason you involve the community is not to make [closings] palatable,” she said. “The reason you involve the community is because you want to make better decisions.”
She added that people whose children attend school in such urban areas often “are working-class or low-income. They know about making tough decisions and struggling” and can understand the necessity for some closings.

As District of Columbia school officials learned, making a misstep in school closings can cause political fallout. The community uproar over the closings in Washington was one of the ingredients that led last year to the primary-election defeat of then-Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, who had selected Ms. Rhee, and to the chancellor’s departure.
And after community members in Chicago protested that school- closure decisions were being made in secret, the Illinois legislature passed a law in August that governs how that 409,000-student system can make facilities decisions.

“The political fallout is from not having a trusting relationship with your public,” Ms. Filardo said.
Being Transparent
But involving the public can be a delicate balancing act, said Nancy R. Kodman, the executive director for academic and operations integration for Pittsburgh schools. Just introducing the problem to the community, she said, leads to people saying, “You don’t have any solutions? You don’t have any ideas?” But a full plan is criticized for being drawn up in secret.

“You lessen that by being as transparent as you can,” Ms. Kodman said.
When Pittsburgh closed more than 20 schools, she said, the district talked with the public about what it was hoping to achieve. Academic improvement was put forward as the top goal, and to eliminate some political horse-trading, the closures were considered as a group, in a single up-or-down vote by the school board.

While many urban districts are struggling with how to handle excess space, Ms. Filardo noted that Seattle is dealing with overcrowded classrooms, thanks to unexpected population growth. The Seattle Times reported in October that in one school, a 4th grade class is meeting in a hallway, and many classes are meeting in portables. An infusion of about 1,500 more students than expected is prompting the district to reopen some schools that it had closed, over community objection, in the past few years.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I know not everyone is a heavyweight boxing fan...

Brought to you by Praetorian Invictus Publications and Trash Pick Up. Coming to you from high a top mount Olympus. STEAL THIS BLOG PLEASE!

 I, Praetorian

Joe Frazier's legacy will include more than his battles with Muhammad Ali

Sunday, November 06, 2011, 12:08 AM
  By Jerry Izenberg edited by I, Praetorian

   Former heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier, shown in 2009, has been diagnosed with liver cancer.
   Joe Frazier is dying inside a hospice in Philadelphia. He has liver cancer. Soon the Philadelphia left hook that seemed to have a life all its own will have lost every ounce of its thunder. Soon, Joe will be gone.
But Death, be not proud because you will not beat Joe. He will simply have run out of time before the final bell rings. In his last moments, his mind will still have him moving forward with that little bounce in his stride. And it will be as if he's saying:
   "Come on, Death. Show me what you got. You might win, but before you do I got something here for you."
So what follows here is the way I will always remember him. I covered his career. I was there on the night in the Philippines when he and Muhammad Ali left giant footprints as their legacy.
   Perhaps the best way to understand that is to begin in the wake of their first dramatic meeting in New York. This was one week after Joe Frazier had dumped the once and future heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali on his rear end on that long-gone night in Madison Square Garden.
Now we were standing outside a deli not far from the Joe Frazier Gym in North Philadelphia and these three kids, maybe 9 years old each, were running toward us shouting:
   "Joe Frazier ... Joe Frazier ... Joe Frazier."
   And the smile on Joe's face as they came nearer and nearer seemed to light up the tired, gray neighborhood. As they danced around him, Joe sent an aide back to his Rolls-Royce for autographed pictures. He gave one to each and Joe told them: "Now y'all stay in school. Don't make me have to find you."
Two of them laughed, but the third one said:
"My daddy says Muhammad Ali was drugged,"

   In that instant a cold, cold mask seemed to slide across the champion's face. "Yeah ... yeah," Joe said, "I drugged him with a left hook." And they saw the look in his eyes and all three of them ran away.
Frazier turned to me and said:
   "You heard that. What I got to do? What the hell I got to do?"
There was nothing he could do. Not then. Not ever. The sheer force of Ali's personality would doom him to a role as destiny's stepchild. The impossible riddle Joe posed that afternoon would follow him through his always courageous and often brilliant career. It was a question with no answer.
This is what Herman Melville meant when he wrote of Ahab's pursuit of the great white whale in Moby Dick. He and Ali would be linked forever inside a crucible of their own making. You could not mention one without the other.
Each time they would push each other to a place where neither had been before. Styles make fights and the very nature of their styles dictated that each time they met, they were not fighting for a belt or a crown. They did not fight for the championship of the world or Paraguay or Manila.
   No matter that Ali had the personality, the charm, the wit to dominate America's memory. Joe had the tools to force greatness upon Muhammad. That's why the thing they fought to claim was the heavyweight championship. The true fight was for claim over the other.
And they both knew it.
   It was never more obvious than on a sweltering day inside the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City just beyond the Manila skyline. It was at least 100 degrees inside that arena. At the start, Ali was, well, Ali — dancing, jabbing, taunting, winning. But something out of the ordinary happened in the fourth.
For virtually all of his career, Joe Frazier was a one-handed fighter (but what a hand!). His left hook was ferocious. His right hand? Well, you had to wonder whether he could even tie his shoes with it.
   But in the gym in Philly, Eddie Futch, the head trainer, and Georgie Benton, his assistant, worked for weeks on that right hand. "You are going to give him something to think about," Futch said over and over.
And in that fourth, Joe threw a right hand that landed on Ali's head.
   “You ain't got no right hand," Muhammad chanted shaking off the amazement. And then — POP. Another one.
"They told me you old," Ali said, breathing hard.
"They told you wrong," Joe shot back.
   And now suddenly it was a fight. A fight? Hell, it was the greatest heavyweight fight since Cain and Abel.
The ebb and flow was incredible. Guys get up off the mat in a fight and, once in a while, win. But you rarely see one guy losing and then winning and then losing and then ...
Well, you get the idea.
   In the end this fight was decided by anatomy. The shorter Frazier began to experience huge swelling around the eyes. In order to see, he had to straighten up — the exact opposite of his corner's game plan.
Ali now was winning. But in Round 13, he was so exhausted at a time when Frazier stood there with both arms down and legs exhibiting all the power of wet spaghetti. All Ali had to do was walk 5 feet or so and touch him and it would have been over. But Ali was too weak to do it.
   In the corner after 14, Futch told Benton to cut Joe's gloves off. Joe pushed and shoved and threatened, but they came off. Then Ali saw that it was over and collapsed.
   Nobody was tougher than Joe Frazier. Nobody had a bigger heart.
Death will probably win this last fight, but knowing Joe in that hazy limbo that spells the end, he'll probably tell old Death, "Don't gloat. Fifteen years ago, you wouldn't have laid a glove on me."
And forever after, I'll believe Joe was right.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Brought to you from the good folks at Praetorian Invictus Publications and trash pick up. Coming to you from high a top mount Vesuvius. STEAL THIS BLOG PLEASE!
I, Praetorian

 — Montgomery High School Principal Lee Romero sees the $24 million deficit the Sweetwater Union High School District is trying to close in its $320 million budget through layoffs and wonders if there isn’t a better solution.
Such as salary cuts.
Romero said he and his wife, who is a teacher, along with others would be willing to take a pay cut if it meant saving the four instructors slated to be laid off at his school if class sizes grow from 31 to 34 students, as proposed by the district.
“At what point do we do the right thing and take the cuts away from the classroom, because it is going to hurt our kids? Nobody including the district, including the unions, are talking about taking a pay cut,” Romero said. “If we go this route (by increasing class sizes), it is going to be bad for everybody.”
Alex Anguiano, president of the teachers union, said it was premature to discuss the possibility of salary cuts because negotiations on a new contract have not formally begun. But did express dissatisfaction with other areas of the district’s budget.
“Our district is spending money like there is not an economic crisis at all, so if we evaluate economy based on what school board has been approving, then there is not an economic crisis,” he said. “There are already less teachers. Classrooms are pretty overcrowded. That was our contribution to this fiscal crisis. We have already paid significantly.”
Among the teachers Romero expects to lose under seniority rules that come into effect during layoffs is special education teacher Juan Carrillo and county Teacher of the Year nominee Rhea Walker. They have been teaching for four years and 11 years, respectively.
According to Romero, those who could lose their jobs have contributed to his campus seeing an 85-point increase on the state’s performance index.
“To have more students in a classroom means more special ed students in a classroom, and it almost seems impossible,” Carrillo said.
Romero said no one should be laid off.
“In my 24 years of education, I have never seen a teacher released due to their ineffectiveness,” Romero said. “To lose some of the people who work the most or are effective, that’s just not right.”  (True for my 15 years, nor any rotten DO level administrators)
Walker can see both sides of the tenure system. (I can see both sides of a traffic wreck doesn't mean I advocate for causing one)
“Time and again you have proven your worth, but the bottom line is still the dollars,” Walker said. “You are thankful and grateful to have something there to guarantee you have a job, but at the same time it’s a double-edged sword.”
Romero said pay cuts need to be addressed.
“There’s 10 percent unemployment in California and people are taking cuts, but we have not,” he said. (much higher for Socal in general)
About 110 pink slips were issued last year; all but six Spanish teachers were called back to work. Administrators are taking four furloughs this year.
Anguiano said the union will defer to the will of its members in matters such as class size and salary reductions. The bargaining team for the union will be seeking member input through a series of open hearings and a survey, he said.
The district cut $11 million from this year’s budget to help close a more than $23 million deficit. The shortfall was covered with stimulus funds and previously restricted money that the state freed up for use in other areas.

For more than 40 years educators have stated the obvious: for students to be successful in school...

Published: 28 October 2011 10:24 PM

EDITED for this site October,30 2011 by I, Praetorian

For more than 40 years educators have stated what in the classroom is obvious; for students to be successful in school, they need their parents to be involved. Towards that end, the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools said Friday it is opening the second annual Parent and Family Engagement Summit.

The event, which attracted hundreds of parent volunteers to Palm Springs, is part of an effort to raise awareness of and support for parents to be involved in their children’s education, he said.

“There’s only so much the school can do without the parents,” Superintendent Kenneth Young said, adding he includes other caregivers in the word “parents.” “There’s not much a school can do without the parents.”

He cited a University of Arizona study of high school dropouts, who had missed an average of 124 days of school, about three weeks per year, by the time they got to eighth grade.

“They essentially dropped out before they ever got to high school,” Young said. Teachers could see the pattern starting in kindergarten.

“If parents knew what life was going to be like for a high school dropout, they would have made a greater effort to get that child to school and improve attendance,” he said.

More education is the only way to improve the area’s economy, said Angel Meraz, a leader of Pathways to Success as part of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership.

Those who go to college in Inland Southern California lags the state average and the problem is even more acute in the Coachella Valley, which has one of the nation’s lowest college-going rates, he said. Some 75 to 80 percent of public school students live in poverty, so college seems financially inaccessible, Young said.

Pathways to Success had a contest last year to see which high schools could get the most students to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which also determines eligibility for state grants and low-interest college loans. Indio High won, with 65 percent of seniors filling out the FAFSA, based on parents’ income tax returns, in early spring. Meraz said she hopes to increase the application rate 10 percent this year. Young said he wants to spread the competition countywide.

Parent involvement in education has to start well before it’s time to figure out how to pay for college. It starts when babies are learning to tell which person is mommy and which one is daddy, said keynote speaker and educational consultant John Antonetti.

Empathy at home is the No. 1 predictor of whether fourth-graders will be mathematical problem solvers, or “how often do they before age 6 explain what they are doing and thinking.”

People learn best when they think for themselves. He reminded educators and PTA leaders to give children time to figure out answers themselves. Telling them the answer too soon steals the opportunity for learning, Antonetti said.
Friday’s summit in Palm Springs, attended mostly by parents, followed a county summit Thursday attended mostly by educators.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Should Private Universities Be Held to the Same Standards for Anti-Discrimination as Public? Are All Student's Backgrounds Checked and including MTV? Are All Students Who Lie on an Application Expelled?

Published: 28 October 2011 08:17 PM
EDITED BY:  I, Praetorian, October 30, 2011

Domaine Javier, 24; stated that Cal Baptist University officials told her she was expelled for falsely claiming on her application form that she is a female. Javier revealed on MTV’s “True Life” that she is biologically male.
Letters the university sent to Javier say she was expelled for “committing or attempting to engage in fraud, or concealing identity,” and for presenting false or misleading information in university judicial processes.

However, Javier, 24, said she has identified herself as female since she was a toddler and correctly clicked the space next to “female” on the online application form.

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said. “They said, ‘On your application form you put ‘female.’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, that’s how I see myself.’”
Javier’s expulsion was finalized on Aug. 30, the week before she was scheduled to begin a nursing program at Cal Baptist after transferring from Riverside City College.

In an emailed statement, university spokesman Mark Wyatt wrote, “California Baptist University does not comment on student disciplinary matters or other confidential student information.”

California law prohibits employment, housing, government, insurance and other types of discrimination based upon gender identity. But private universities generally are not covered by the law, said Mark Wood, an attorney with the San Francisco-based Transgender Law Center. The center is not aware of other transgender college students who were expelled.

Transgender refers to people whose gender identity differs from the biological sex they were born with. Some transgender people undergo sex-change operations; others do not.

Javier said university officials told her during expulsion hearings that they discovered her MTV appearance through a background check (Bullshit). They did not say whether that is how they discovered her gender identity, she said.
Javier was on an April episode of “True Life” entitled “I’m Passing as Someone I’m Not.” Cameras showed a man hitting on Javier while she danced at Riverside’s Club Sevilla in a low-cut pink and black dress and putting on make-up in the club’s bathroom. Javier said she only revealed her gender identity to family members.

“I am a girl trapped in a guy’s body,” Javier said on the show.
“When I’m out on a date, the loneliness goes away,” Javier said during a segment of her on one of her dates with a man who cut off the relationship after she told him she is transgender.

She said she applied to appear on the show to raise awareness on transgender issues and let other transgender people know that they’re not alone.
Javier said she was impressed with the nursing program at Cal Baptist, which is three blocks from her Riverside home. A university financial aid form shows she received a $3,500 dean’s academic scholarship. Javier said she was shocked when in July she received a letter that temporarily expelled her, pending hearings.

“I was devastated, because I really, really wanted to attend this campus,” she said.

Javier said the expulsion, that was finalized days before classes were set to begin, will delay her graduation from a nursing program by at least a year. She said she declined an admission offer by Cal State San Bernardino – that as a public university cannot discriminate against transgender students – to attend Cal Baptist.

Javier is back at Riverside City College but said she cannot enter the nursing program until next fall.

“This totally ruined my career path,” she said. “I’ve been trying to finish as soon as possible.”

Javier said she knew the university is a religious institution but did not realize it is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the most conservative major Baptist denomination.

“I didn’t know they were that extreme,” said Javier, who attended Catholic schools in her native Philippines before immigrating to California eight years ago.

Cal Baptist’s written policies do not explicitly bar transgender students. But it has generally socially conservative rules, including a prohibition of social dances on university property and a requirement that applicants sign a form agreeing not to engage in homosexual behavior or to cohabit with someone of the opposite sex.

Despite the expulsion, Javier doesn’t regret her MTV appearance. She is buoyed by the support and positive comments she has received from about 200 people, most of them straight, through chats on the street or on Facebook.
“I’m a happier person now,” she said.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Part 1 of Deconstructing Hate Sites

This Information is Provided by the Victim of Such A Hate Site: A Man Still Fighting One Year Later to Clear His Name From the False Accusations of Belonging to Such Hate Based Internet Sewage... I am that Victim along with another outstanding person and Journalist MVgordie (mvgordie.com).

I, Praetorian

Responding to Online Hate
When people see hate on the Net, they just say: "Well, what can I do about it?" And they move on. But the only way people can start to get rid of the hate is by taking some interest in the ways in which we, as human beings, can prevent hate from spreading.
A Vancouver Island high-school student
MNet’s 2001 survey "Young Canadians in a Wired World" showed that when young people came across a "hateful" Web site, more than a third (36 per cent) simply ignored it. If they received hateful e-mail messages, again more than three in ten did nothing—though a similar percentage told a friend, an adult, or the police. There is no reason to believe that adults’ rate of response is any higher.
Granted, it’s not always easy to tell whether hateful online content is actually illegal, rather than just offensive and annoying. Sometimes material can only properly be defined as illegal by the courts. Still, the courts can’t prosecute what they don’t know about—so public response is crucial.
If people want to do something about hate material they see on the Internet, there are several options:
Contact the Internet Service Provider
All over the world, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are being forced to become more proactive about hate material on their servers. Most ISPs now have Acceptable Use Policies that clearly define the guidelines for using their services, as well as the penalties for violating those guidelines.
In Canada, most ISPs belong to the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP). CAIP’s Code of Conduct states that its members will not host illegal content, and will make a reasonable effort to investigate legitimate complaints about illegal content or network abuse—taking appropriate action, if needed. However, ISPs do not have the legal power to decide what material is illegal; and so most are reluctant to remove suspect content from their servers without official direction from a law enforcement agency.

t online hate to the police
Some urban police departments now have a High-Tech Crime Unit to investigate online offences. If none exists, a complaint can be made to the local police. It’s advisable to attach a copy of the offending material to the letter of complaint.

File a complaint with the F.B.I.
Good for the records otherwise pretty useless unless threats of violence are made.

Check out "hate watch" Web sites
A number of sites exist to monitor and document illegal material on the Internet. Some notable examples are B’nai Brith League for Human Rights, which hosts a hate hotline; and the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which has identified thousands of offensive Web sites. Its CD entitledDigital Hate 2002 lists sites that promote antisocial and illegal activities ranging from hate music to suicide bombing. The Southern Poverty Law Center is another good resource.

Any hate found on a California Web site is now subject to new legislation—though hate encountered on other states sites must be dealt with differently. However, the U.S.-based Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League both recommend that surfers alert them to any online hate, so that they can try to get the offending material removed.

And since the active promotion of tolerance is one of the Abest responses to hate, check out the online pamphlet 101 Tools for Tolerance: Simple Ideas for Promoting Equity and Diversity, developed by the Web-based group Tolerance.org.

For more detailed information about the organizations mentioned here, a
s well as information on how to report online hate, see the links in the sidebar.

This is the fight of our professional careers. Are You In or Out?

What's taking so long? This is the fight of our professional careers. Are You In or Out? "Hell has a special level for those who sit by idly during times of great crisis."
Robert Kennedy

The Art of SETTING LIMITS, Its not as easy as it looks.

Art of Setting Limits Setting limits is one of the most powerful tools that professionals have to promote positive behavior change for their clients, students, residents, patients, etc. Knowing there are limits on their behavior helps the individuals in your charge to feel safe. It also helps them learn to make appropriate choices.

There are many ways to go about setting limits, but staff members who use these techniques must keep three things in mind:
Setting a limit is not the same as issuing an ultimatum.
Limits aren’t threats—If you don’t attend group, your weekend privileges will be suspended.

Limits offer choices with consequences—If you attend group and follow the other steps in your plan, you’ll be able to attend all of the special activities this weekend. If you don’t attend group, then you’ll have to stay behind. It’s your decision.
The purpose of limits is to teach, not to punish.
Through limits, people begin to understand that their actions, positive or negative, result in predictable consequences. By giving such choices and consequences, staff members provide a structure for good decision making.
Setting limits is more about listening than talking.
Taking the time to really listen to those in your charge will help you better understand their thoughts and feelings. By listening, you will learn more about what’s important to them, and that will help you set more meaningful limits.
Download The Art of Setting Limits


by Amanda Kloer

Published February 21, 2010 @ 09:00AM PT
category: Child Labor
Wanted: Domestic worker. Must be willing to cook, clean, work with garbage, and do all other chores as assigned. No contract available, payment based on employer's mood or current financial situation. No days off. Violence, rape, and sexual harassment may be part of the job.

Would you take that job? No way. But for thousands of child domestic workers in Indonesia, this ad doesn't just describe their job, it describes their life.

A recent CARE International survey of over 200 child domestic workers in Indonesia found that 90% of them didn't have a contract with their employer, and thus no way to legally guarantee them a fair wage (or any wage at all) for their work. 65% of them had never had a day off in their whole employment, and 12% had experienced violence. Child domestic workers remain one of the most vulnerable populations to human trafficking and exploitation. And while work and life may look a little grim for the kids who answered CARE's survey, it's likely that the most abused and exploited domestic workers didn't even have the opportunity to take the survey.

In part, child domestic workers have it so much harder than adults because the people who hire children are more likely looking for someone easy to exploit. Think about it -- if you wanted to hire a domestic worker, wouldn't you choose an adult with a stronger body and more life experience to lift and haul and cook than a kid? If you could get them both for the same price, of course you would. But what if the kid was cheaper, free even, because you knew she wouldn't try and leave if you stopped paying her. Or even if you threatened her with death.

Congress Aims to Improve Laws for Runaway, Prostituted Kids

by Amanda Kloer

categories: Child Prostitution, Pimping

Published February 20, 2010 @ 09:00AM PT

The prospects for healthcare reform may be chillier than DC weather, but Democrats in the House and Senate are turning their attention to another warmer but still significant national issue: the increasing number of runaway and throwaway youth who are being forced into prostitution. In response to the growing concerns that desperate, runaway teens will be forced into prostitution in a sluggish economy, Congress is pushing several bills to improve how runaway kids are tracked by the police, fund crucial social services, and prevent teens from being caught in sex trafficking. Here's the gist of what the new legislation is trying to accomplish:

Shelter: Lack of shelter is one of the biggest vulnerabilities of runaway and homeless youth. Pimps will often use an offer of shelter as an entree to a relationship with a child or a straight up trade for sex. In the past couple years, at least 10 states have made legislative efforts to increase the number of shelters, extend shelter options, and change state reporting requirements so that youth shelters have enough time to win trust and provide services before they need to report the runaways to the police. Much of the new federal legislation would make similar increases in the availability and flexibility of shelter options.

Police Reporting: Right now, police are supposed to enter all missing persons into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database within two hours of receiving the case. In reality, that reporting doesn't always get done, making it almost impossible for law enforcement to search for missing kids across districts. This hole is a big problem in finding child prostitution victims and their pimps, since pimps will often transport girls from state to state. The new bill would strengthen reporting requirements, as well as facilitate communication between the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the National Runaway Switchboard

We Must Never Forget These Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen and Women

We Must Never Forget These Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen and Women
Nor the Fool Politicians that used so many American GIs' lives as fodder for the fight over an english noun - "Communism"